Tappraya Radio for people in Pattaya

Tappraya Radio for people in Pattaya FM 104.25 MHz. 0600-2400 038-332-959 ดีเจแสงศร 104.25 MHz. Thappraya radio station If interested, contact to advertise and publicize, contact at 038-332-959

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FM 104.25 MHz. 0600-2400 038-332-959 ดีเจแสงศร FM 104.25 MHz. Thappraya radio station. The station is open from 0600 am - 1159 pm If interested, request a song, contact to advertise and publicize, call 038-332-959 and 08-6818-2332. Managed and organized by DJ Sangsorn Soonthornsinchai.

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